Fresh Produce from Patchwork Gardens

Local vegetables grown with ecological farming practices.

Your friendly farmers at Patchwork Gardens

Our farm was started by George Mertz over 15 years ago, and has since grown in size to include a crew of over 20 hard-working farmers, gardeners, packhouse staff, market staff, and delivery drivers! For most of our operation we have been primarily a CSA farm. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and is essentially a program where anyone can join our farm as a member and in exchange we deliver a box of fresh veggies (grown by us) to their home each week. Each year we have over 450 members with our farm making us one of the most popular CSA programs in the area. In addition, we grow and sell produce to many area restaurants and health food stores. Learn more about our farm, Patchwork Gardens here.

We grow our food without the use of any chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. Our approach to agriculture favors hard work through diligent cultivation and a culture of healthy soil biology. These make for healthy plants. We plant cover-crops in the off-season and incorporate all of that organic matter back into the soil. We farm year-round and have produce available through much of the Winter. At this time of year almost all of the produce available in this online store is grown by us. During the Summer months, we supplement about 50% of the Bayer’s Melon Farm Market produce from other area farmers.

We love growing fresh, healthy, and delicious food for our community, family, and friends. And we like to eat well also!

Sidekick says “You better eat your greens!”